Why J2EE – The Stepping Stone for Android Training and Development?

j2EE training


J2EE Training – Android Training – Elysium Academy

Why J2EE – The Stepping Stone for Android Training and Development?

J2EE Training – Android Training – Elysium Academy – So your goal is to become an android developer. As a matter of fact, you know that Android training and development is booming worldwide and you want to be the part of it. From a technical point of view, you can probably just jump right into Android training. But Elysium Academy recommends J2EE training as a strong foundation for a successful career in Android training and development.

J2EE Training

Java 2, Enterprise Edition aka J2EE is a powerful platform for building web application. In essence, the platform offers all the merits of developing in Java. In addition to that, a comprehensive suite of sever side technologies. Elysium Academy’s J2EE training offers the industry’s most in-depth and hands-on exposure to students on the Android training platform.
Our core J2EE training offers candidates with the practical, sturdy, in depth knowledge and skillsets. The training covers advanced concepts like J2EE API’s, Servlets, JSPs, JSF, EJB, JMS, JNDI, XML and so. Additionally, diverse technologies like Struts, Spring, Hibernate, and NetBeans IDE enables developers to build strong and efficient Android apps. To summarize, gaining such in-depth knowledge on J2EE lays the strong foundation for Android app development.

Android Training

Elysium Academy’s customized Android Training provides candidates with the essentials for Android app development. Since new developers might find it hard to be initiated. Eventually, you’ll learn how to build your android app with alternative resources. This will result in optimized user experience on multiple device form factors using single APK. In the meantime, you will be able to build a user experience for your app that’s flexible. You can present multiple UI components on large screens and a more restricted set of UI for smaller screens. As both are essential for building a single APK for both phones and tablets.
In conclusion, a strong base and training on J2EE can be definitive stepping stone for a fruitful career in Android Training and Development.
Happy Developing!
